ABSENTEE VOTING. Good morning folks. Just returned from Duxbury PAC where Duxbury Town Meeting was gaveled in & out with a postponement to May 2. We had some additional discussions about election issues which I will provide more information on later. In the meantime here’s one way everyone can help. Take advantage of Absentee Voting and request your ballot by mail. This will make life much easier for your Town Clerk and their staff and reduce risks for our poll workers and other election personnel. It’s easy to make the request. Just download and fill out this form, sign and mail back (or drop off, if necessary) to your Town Clerk. They will take care of the rest and mail your ballot with instructions and a return envelope. You can choose to request a ballot for all elections this year, all general elections this year, or just one specific election.
The PDF form is available here: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/…/English-Absentee-Ballot-Applic…
Absentee voting in person is also available prior to the election though it is best check with your Clerk’s office first to confirm hours & details.
Here are addresses and websites for our Town Clerks:
Pembroke Town Clerk 100 Center Street, Pembroke, MA 02359 https://www.pembroke-ma.gov/town-clerk 781-293-7211
Duxbury Town Clerk 878 Tremont Street, Duxbury, MA 02332 https://www.town.duxbury.ma.us/town-clerk 781-934-1100 x5450
Hanson Town Clerk 542 Liberty Street, Hanson, MA 02341 https://www.hanson-ma.gov/town-clerk 781-293-2772
Each town has specific deadlines for when to submit the forms. Best bet is to check their web page and put in the request right away.
For other general questions about absentee voting or details for other towns please visit the Secretary of State’s website here: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleabsentee/absidx.htm
Please note that normal eligibility for an absentee ballot states three criteria: absence from city or town on election day, physical disability or religious belief. Those limitations are being relaxed however and all registered voters otherwise eligible to vote in the town are being encouraged to exercise this option.