Contact Josh

You can reach Rep. Cutler via email at Please make sure to include your address with any correspondence. We get lots of email and want to make sure our constituents get top priority.
If you have any campaign related inquiries please direct them to repjcutler[at]
District Mailing address: PO Box 2775, Duxbury, MA 02331
Mobile Office Hours are open to all residents of the Sixth Plymouth District. Appointments are not necessary. The representative and/or a member of his staff will be on hand to provide assistance with any constituent related issue. If you have a complicated or confidential matter to discuss we do recommend you call ahead. If the regular office hours schedule does not work for you please let us know and we’d be pleased to schedule a different time.
Constituent Assistance. Need help with housing, taxes, unemployment, navigating a state agency or authority, benefits or some other state issue? We’re here to help. Please call my State House Office and we will be happy to assist you with any problem.
State House Tours. Visiting the State House? We’d be happy to arrange a tour of this historic building. Call or email our office.